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Why is WisconSays important?

WisconSays is important because answers to WisconSays questions will represent the voices of all Wisconsinites. By scientifically selecting people from across the state to participate, WisconSays will accurately represent the attitudes and experiences of Wisconsinites from every corner of the state, including those whose voices often go unheard. The questions asked on WisconSays surveys address topics and issues of importance to Wisconsin residents, researchers, policy makers, state and local government, non-profits, and other organizations across Wisconsin.

Why You Should Participate in WisconSays

Being a member of WisconSays allows you to share your voice about issues that matter to you and your community. The information you provide will be used by researchers, policy makers, and others. Because WisconSays members were scientifically selected to participate, no one else can replace them.

Get Rewarded

WisconSays members earn points for completing the surveys! Points vary depending on the length and topic of the survey. Every time a member reaches 5,000 points, they are sent a reward worth $5. They can choose to receive their reward as an electronic gift card or cash.